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[Tutorial] How to Sell Plots with the "PlotMe" Plugin as a Staff Member in the city world

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[Tutorial] How to Sell Plots with the "PlotMe" Plugin as a Staff Member in the city world Empty [Tutorial] How to Sell Plots with the "PlotMe" Plugin as a Staff Member in the city world

Post  cublikefoot Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:52 pm

With the addition of a new plugin by the name of "PlotMe", purchasing plots is now a breeze.

To purchase a plot in the "City" world, follow these steps.

First, collect the payment from the player purchasing the plot. The current price is 15,000 nuts

Second, stand on the plot they would like to purchase, and use /plotme claim

Third, use this command while standing on the plot they are purchasing /plotme setowner <username>
The username in that command is the username of the player purchasing the plot.

That's it! Congratulations. bounce

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